Create with AI
Generation of Entities with Artificial Intelligence
Deyel can use artificial intelligence to generate a complete entity based on a request, simply by providing a definition of the entity to be modeled. The result complies with modeling standards, generates the entity grid including utility filters, and uses the application context for the fields modeling related to other entities and value lists.
AI Entities Generation Wizard
Generating entities with AI saves time by creating from scratch, using simple descriptions in natural language, customizing through prompts and using all the advantages that AI provides to model an entity, respecting conventions and good modeling practices. This wizard can be used from the entity creation panel.
New Entity
When creating an entity, once the “AI – Create your entity using artificial intelligence” option is selected, a panel opens with the AI entity generation wizard, displaying a set of properties to fill in.
It is used at the modeling level to reference the entity.
Allows to define the application to which the object belongs. If no application is reported, the object is assigned to the application "Global".
Write the prompt that describes the main entity of the application
It allows the input of a detailed description written in natural language, specifying the features, functionalities, or desired design for the entity. The prompt is used by Deyel to generate the entity according to the instructions provided.
By clicking on the “New” button within the AI entity generation wizard, the entity that meets the prompt requirement is automatically obtained.
Entity generation not only allows the creation of freely chosen attributes, but also includes specific fields as indicated in the prompt.
Grid and Filters
Additionally, the grid of the entity is generated, where the columns are generated based on the most relevant fields, and filters are generated, based on fields that are relevant for performing searches.
It is important to note that the generated entity is optimally displayed in all resolutions and breakpoints.
Generation in the Context of an Application
When generating an entity, the application's contextual entities and value lists are used. When an entity is generated, it implicitly inherits the context of the application in which it is defined. This enables automatic modeling of relations with other previously defined entities and value lists.
The entity is generated with the relations defined to the existing objects: