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Documentation 8.8

The graphic modeling area is the location of the different elements of the side toolbar, allowing navigation to be modeled through navigation flows between such elements.

It may initially appear blank if none of the built-in templates were selected.






Its state, its name and the corresponding icon are displayed at the top of each page, if the Login Page or Home Page properties were modeled.


APN_IconoHome Home
APN_IconoLogin Login






By right-clicking on the modeling area, a menu with the operations corresponding to the elements is displayed.




Navigation Flow


Represents navigation between pages.






APN_IconoFlujodeModelado Modeling Flow

It is the default flow type, which is used in the modeling stage of the application. Indicates that it has been modeled but not yet implemented.


APN_IconoFlujodePrecedentes Implemented Flow

Indicates that there is an implemented navigation between two pages. That is, when a page that has a hyperlink to another one is published, if the flow is not modeled it is automatically generated in a light blue color. On the other hand, if it already exists, it changes its color from gray to light blue.


By double clicking on a flow, a text can be entered as a label. By clicking on a flow, a point of curvature is selected and created, which when dragged allows the flow to be given a new shape.





Delete Flow


By right-clicking on the flow, a menu with the operation "Delete" is displayed.



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