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Documentation 8.8

The properties panel is displayed on the right side of the applications modeler, where the first tab corresponds to general information.






Descriptive Name

Name used by the user to reference the application.



It is used at the modeling level to reference the application.



Uniquely identifies the application.



Users may see the application in the language they have selected as preference, but if this preference is not configured, the language applied is the one indicated in this property.



Text that defines the application describing its functionality.



It allows to select the color scheme in the application through the selected theme.



An image is automatically associated to the application with the initials of its name and optionally a file can be uploaded. This image is displayed in the browser tab when executing the application.


Icon Color

It allows to select a color for the image within the color range of the theme. If a file was uploaded as an image, this property is invalid.

Web Application







Text displayed in the browser tab when executing the application. It allows to identify which application is being used.


Access Path

It allows to enter the name to access the application in order to execute it from a browser. The full login path is displayed below this property, including the name of the environment, concatenated by a ¨/¨. This property must be defined so that the application can be executed in web mode.

If the application has to run in the root path of the environment, the property must be completed only with a slash “/”.


Only one application per environment can be executed in its root path.


For example, if this property is filled in with a “purchases” value, it can be accessed with the URL “myenvironment.deyel.com/purchases”. Meanwhile, if it is filled in with “/”, it can be accessed with the URL “myenvironment.deyel.com/” or “myenvironment.deyel.com”.

Mobile Application





Application Identifier

Identifier of the mobile application used to distribute it to different devices.



Version number of the mobile application that keeps the semantic versioning format <main version>.<increased version>.<correction>.


Provisioning Profile (QR)

Configuration file that guarantees the security and authenticity of the mobile application and can distribute it via QR to devices with iOS operating system.


Provisioning Profile (Store)

Configuration file that guarantees the security and authenticity of the mobile application and can distribute it via application store to devices with iOS operating system.


Enable Push Notifications

If an application has been modeled to use the "Push" notifications functionality, this check must be enabled.

Selecting this option enables additional properties.


     Google Services (Android)

File that allows interacting with Google services that are used in the mobile application with Android operating system. This file is generated by following the steps for the Android application distribution.


     Google Services (iOS)

File that allows interacting with Google services that are used in the mobile application with iOS operating system. This file is generated by following the steps for the iOS application distribution.

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