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Documentation 8.8

User Manual / Platform Manual > Modeler

Applications Modeling


  Applications Modeler


An application is the main object of all modeling, as it is the final product that must address a business requirement.


The applications modeler allows for easily and intuitively modeling independent applications. It allows designing the navigation of applications through the creation of a diagram, where the navigation flows are defined.


From the applications modeler, each of the objects that compose it can be accessed, opening in new tabs of the modeler.


It is possible to create Deyel applications quickly without prior knowledge using application templates, data, a defined user interface for the application, or approval processes for all types of requests.


Templates help creating B2B (Business-to-Business), B2C (Business-to-Customer) applications, or a wide range of other applications based on specific business concepts.


B2B applications are applications that establish a commercial relation with another company or can be used internally within the business. For example, a purchase order authorization process or any type of authorization within the business.


B2C applications are applications aimed at an end consumer and they must have an interface that encourages them to use that application. These applications can have a large number of users and sometimes their use may depend on events, such as, for example, a “black Friday”.


With Deyel , all types of applications can be developed. Web applications can be developed to be consulted from desktop computers or mobile devices, mobile applications that can be installed on cell phones or tablets or responsive applications that can be used as web and mobile.

Mobile applications can be executed on both Android and iOS, generating applications for each operating system, or they can be progressive web applications.



MA - Modelado de Aplicaciones



CM0086~1_img15  This button is used to create an application from some of the following options:


CM0092~1_img1 An application template.

CM0092~1_img2 Your data.

CM0092~1_img3 The interface.

CM0092~1_img4 An approval process.


The general features of the applications modeler and the main elements that compose it are described in the following topics:


Modeling Facilities

General Properties

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