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Documentation 8.8

The best practices for the applications modeling in Deyel consist of a set of recommendations, to be met whenever possible.


They allow to build clearer and more understandable applications models.


Below are some best practices that should be considered in the construction of pages, oriented to the information contained in them, to the way of exposing it in relation to the users for whom it is intended, to the type of application or breakpoints that are selected, to the design patterns that define the user interface and the visual consistency of the pages.

Information contained in the applications


Define the structure, hierarchies, elements that compose the user interface.


Determine what message you want to convey.

Users for whom the applications are intended


Define what type of users we are targeting.


Consider this characteristic to establish the aesthetics to model.

Selection of application type and breakpoints


Before starting to model applications, you must define what type of application you are going to created, if it is web or mobile.


After defining the type of application, it must be determined which breakpoints are to be considered. If it is mobile, the tablet and mobile breakpoints must be considered, while if it is web, all three breakpoints must be considered.


In the case of the desktop breakpoint, you must decide whether to work as full width or maximum width. This means that you must define whether you want the page to grow to the full width or limit the width to a certain measurement that is established.





                            Total Width                                                   Maximum Width

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