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Documentation 8.8

When modeling a form, the fields with relations to entities, value lists and rules can be defined.

Single Selection


The values obtained from a modeled relation are displayed as a scrolled list, where the user can select one of them.



Multiple Selection


The fields modeled with a relation to a rule can be defined as multiple selection, using the Multiple property. Modeling this property allows to select more than one value from a scrolled list, holding down the 'CTRL' key while the items are being selected.



Filter Selection


A field filtered by a value selected in another form field allows the value list of related fields to become variable, depending on the value initially selected.




Relation with Entities


When using the form, in the fields modeled with relation to an entity, an indicator is displayed and when hovering the mouse over the field, this enables a set of icons to perform different actions.





CM0042~1_img3 Clear Field

It allows to delete the value entered in the field.

CM0042~1_img1 Select

It allows to search and select instances of entities to which the field is related. Pressing this icon opens a new window with the results grid of the related entity.

CM0042~1_img2 Show

It allows to see the data of the entity related to the field, opening a new window with the corresponding related entity instance.



If the related entity is the user, a window with the information of the user informed in the field is opened.




Filtered Entities


When filtered entities are modeled in forms, the values displayed from the magnifier in the show depend on the filter that has been modeled.



The values available for the user field are filtered by sales, the previously selected organizational unit





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