Allows to incorporate any icon type.
The element properties are represented by icons in its context menu, where its operations are also available.
Structure Properties
The structure properties panel of an element opens when selecting the icon of the context menu.
Allows to align the element by selecting one of the available icons.
• Align to the left.
• Align to horizontal center.
• Align to the right.
• Align up.
• Align vertical center.
• Align bottom.
Allows to complete Width and Height. The value entered in one of the properties is automatically copied to the other. These properties are expressed in pixels.
Position Type
It determines if at the time of execution the element remains fixed on the page or if it moves as the scroll bar moves forward or backward.
Possible Values
•Default: The element has a relative position with respect to the superior element where it was placed (container or section).
•Fixed: Fixes the element to the page so that it is always visible in the same position. It allows to increase the visibility of important content.
Determines the vertical and horizontal position of elements within the page section or container, when the screen is resized.
When an element is added or moved within the section or container, the modeler automatically docks it to the nearest corners or edges. It can also be configured by clicking on the arrows of the side to be docked to or on the center.
Once the element is docked, its exact position is indicated in the Margins property. The direction of the docking arrows determine the values that are automatically displayed for margins.
The docking position is indicated in the modeling area by dotted lines on the element.
It allows to define the distance of elements from the borders of their top element. The behavior of margins depends on the docking of the element. It can be expressed in pixels (px), percentage (%), viewport width (vw), and viewport height (vh).
Distance to the top border of the highest ranking element.
Distance to the bottom border of the highest ranking element.
Distance to the left border of the highest ranking element.
Distance to the right border of the highest ranking element.
Allows the value entered in one of the margins to be copied to the other ones automatically.
Allows to indicate different values for each margin.
Name used to reference the element during modeling.
Uniquely identifies the element. It is used in the Javascript SDK.
Style Properties
The style properties panel of an element opens when selecting the icon of the context menu.
Allows to define the element color.
Allows to define the element shadow.
Configuration Properties
The configuration properties panel of an element opens when clicking the icon of the context menu.
Allows to select and icon from a palette.
Parameters y Variables
Parameters and Variables
Allows to select a parameter or a variable from the page. Its value is displayed in the element.
This value can be the code that represents the icon or a valid url.
Data Source
Data Source
Allows to select a data source that was previously defined on the page.
Allows to select a field from those retrieved in the chosen data source. Its value is displayed in the element.
Hyperlink Properties
The hyperlink properties panel of an element opens by pressing the icon of the context menu.
Define the behavior of the element when selecting it. Different properties are enabled depending on the type of object selected.
The pages modeled in the environment are displayed.
Target Type
The available options for opening the object are displayed.
Possible Values
•Same Tab
•New Window
•Modal: if this option is selected the additional properties are enabled.
Modal Horizontal Size
Define its width.
Modal Vertical Size
Define its height.
•Iframe: this option is selected and an additional property is enabled.
Target Iframe
Displays the iframes previously defines in the page.
If there are parameters, their value can be specified with text, parameters and variables or data source.
Deyel Page
Deyel Page
The pages belonging to Deyel are displayed.
Target Type
The available options for opening the object are displayed.
Possible Values
•Same Tab
•New Window
•Modal: if this option is selected the additional properties are enabled.
Modal Horizontal Size
Define its width.
Modal Vertical Size
Define its height.
•Iframe: this option is selected and an additional property is enabled.
Target Iframe
Displays the iframes previously defines in the page.
Allows sending parameters to the selected object type.
The forms modeled in the environment are displayed.
Defines the operation made when selecting the object.
Possible Values
•New: Indicates that the panel of the form selected in the previous property is opened for the creation of an instance.
•Grid: Indicates that the grid of the form selected in the previous property is opened.
Target Type
The available options for opening the object are displayed.
Possible Values
•Same Tab
•New Window
•Modal: if this option is selected the additional properties are enabled.
Modal Horizontal Size
Define its width.
Modal Vertical Size
Define its height.
•Iframe: this option is selected and an additional property is enabled.
Target Iframe
Displays the iframes previously defines in the page.
Allows sending parameters to the selected object type.
The processes modeled in the environment are displayed.
Defines the operation made when selecting the object.
Possible Value
•New Case: Indicates that a case of the process selected in the previous property is started.
Target Type
The available options for opening the object are displayed.
Possible Values
•Same Tab
•New Window
•Modal: if this option is selected the additional properties are enabled.
Modal Horizontal Size
Define its width.
Modal Vertical Size
Define its height.
•Iframe: this option is selected and an additional property is enabled.
Target Iframe
Displays the iframes previously defines in the page.
Allows sending parameters to the selected object type.
Allows to enter any link.
Target Type
The available options for opening the object are displayed.
Possible Values
•Same Tab
•New Window
•Modal: if this option is selected the additional properties are enabled.
Modal Horizontal Size
Define its width.
Modal Vertical Size
Define its height.
•Iframe: this option is selected and an additional property is enabled.
Target Iframe
Displays the iframes previously defines in the page.
The modeled elements in the page are displayed.
Defines the operation made when selecting the element.
Establishes the transition of the animation. It is only modelable if the "Focus" operation was selected.
Possible Values
Vertical Scroll
Possible Values
•Start: Moves to the start of the selected element.
•Closest: Moves to the closest position to the selected element from the element the event fires.
•Center: Moves to the center of the selected element.
•End: Moves to the end of the selected element.
It allows associating the event to go back in the browser to the element.
Embedded Rules
The embedded rules properties panel of an element opens when selecting the icon of the context menu.
Embedded rules on behavior, validation and calculation can be defined, associated with an element, by using the wizard (ctrl + space).
Indicates whether the element is visible. If this property is not checked, the element is not displayed in the page.
Calculation |
Operations when defining the rule:
Saves the new or modified rule |
Cancels the operation |
Operations once the rule is defined:
Edits the existing rule |
Deletes the rule |
The icons allow to use an event.
Event |
Description |
onClick() |
It is executed by clicking on the element. |