The operations that can be performed on each task depend on the security permissions defined for the logged-in user. When hovering the cursor over each grid row, the icons corresponding to the available operations are displayed.
The exception is the operation "Create", which can be performed from the context menu in different ways.
•Hover over the icon and select the icon to your right
that corresponds to the option "Scheduled Task".
•Click on the icon and select the option "Scheduled Task" in the expanded vertical panel.
Opens the properties panel of the new scheduled task, where the properties are editable. To create, press any of the available buttons and the user receives a message indicating that data was saved.
•Accept: Confirms the creation of a new task.
•Accept and Create: Confirms the creation of a task and opens a new panel to create another one.
Opens the properties panel of the selected task, where the properties are not editable and depending on the security permissions of the user, the buttons available to operate with the task being shown are enabled.
Opens the properties panel of the selected task, only those properties that can be modified are editable. To update, click on the "Accept" button and the user receives a message indicating that data was saved.
The scheduled tasks of Deyel solutions are only configurable when the use license for that solution is valid. In that case, it is not only allowed to configure whether the task is active or not, and to modify its scheduling.
Opens the properties panel of the selected task, where the properties are not editable. To delete, click on the "Accept" button and the user receives a message indicating that data was deleted.
The scheduled tasks of "Solutions" cannot be deleted.