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Documentation 8.8

Deyel uses scheduled tasks to automatically execute tasks on the server.





An asterisk "*" on the label indicates that the property is required.


General configuration


Task Name

It must contain a text that describes the task objective.

This text appears as the task name when monitoring scheduled tasks or when showing the task execution history.



Indicates to which application the scheduled task belongs.

Notice that the scheduled tasks of the (licensed applications) solutions can only be activated when the use license is valid in the environment.


Task Type

It allows to select the scheduled task type from a set of options defined in the environment


Based on Business Rule Execution

EMail type Event Generator

File type Event Generator

Rule type Event Generator

Alert generator for activities


Maximum Expected Time

The maximum expected execution time is defined and expressed in milliseconds.

This data is optional and allows delays to be detected during task execution.


In the task monitor, when displaying a task in progress, the state can be:


Config-Icono Estado-001 When the execution time is less than or equal to the maximum expected time.

Config-Icono Estado-002 When the execution time exceeds the maximum expected time.


Does it support Parallel Executions?

When Deyel is used in High Availability (HA) mode, where there may be multiple installations of Deyel environment, this property determines whether the scheduled task can be executed simultaneously or in different installations of Deyel environment.


A scheduled task never begins its execution in a Deyel environment installation if the previous execution has not yet finished..


Rule Configuration


This section is displayed when the task type is “Based on Business Rule Execution”, this allows configuring the corresponding business rule.


Rule to Execute

A list of the business rules defined in the environment is presented.

The rule to use should be selected.



The parameters that can be moved on to the task are reported. One parameter per row should be entered, indicating its name and the corresponding value.

Scheduling Configuration


It allows defining the scheduling to execute the task. When clicking on the “Accept” button, the changes made to the task schedule are immediately applied.



Determines whether the scheduled task should be executed or not.


Valid From / Valid To

An optional effective period can be set for the scheduled task. This means that the task will only be executed within that period.



Indicates the calendar that must be considered to interpret the properties Valid From y Valid To.


The values of these properties are of date and time type and therefore should be interpreted considering a specific time zone or usage. This time zone or usage is the one corresponding to the selected calendar. If no calendar is indicated, the standard calendar is considered.


Does it execute on Holidays?

Indicates whether the task should be executed normally on holidays.

The definition of holidays is also determined by considering the reported calendar or the standard calendar when no calendar is reported.

Programming Details


This section allows defining when the task should be executed.


What months should it execute?

Possible values are:

All months (Default)

Indicated months

      The months to execute are selected. At least one month must be chosen.


What days should it execute?

Possible values are:

All days  (Default)

Indicated days

  The days of the week to execute are selected. At least one day must be chosen.


Schedule Type

Indicates the time the task should be executed.

Possible values are:


Daily at a specific time

Execution Time

Time at which the scheduled task should be executed.

The time zone set in the Calendar field is considered.


Regular intervals.

Interval in Seconds

Number of seconds that elapse between task executions.


Start Time / End Time

They indicate the time of the day during which the task should be executed. If these properties are not specified, the task executes according to the selected frequency but without time restrictions. The time zone set in the Calendar field is considered.

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