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Documentation 8.8

From this area, behavior, validation and calculation rules are defined and default values of the fields are established.

The properties and rules that are defined in the task overwrite those that had been defined in the fields of the related object.


Field Properties Panel








It is possible to define rules of behavior, validation, and calculation, associated with a field for the task. The behavior rules of the field defined in the task overwrite those modeled in the field of the related object, while validation rules are added.


If properties or rules of the related object are overwritten from a task, subsequent modifications from the object for the overwritten properties, have no impact on the behavior already defined in the task.





Indicates whether the field is required during the execution of the task.

toggles_img1 Required toggles_img3 Not required (default)

65S4_img11 Opens an editing area where a rule to determine the required condition can be defined by using the wizard (ctrl + space). If a rule is defined, the icon is displayed with a light blue border.




Indicates whether the field is visible. If this property is not selected, the field will not be displayed during the execution of the task.
toggles_img1 Visible (default) toggles_img3 Not visible

65S4_img11 Opens an editing area where a rule to determine the visibility condition can be defined by using the wizard (ctrl + space). If a rule is defined, the icon is displayed with a light blue border.




Indicates if the field is editable. If this property is not selected, the user cannot enter or modify values in the field during the execution of the task.

toggles_img1 Editable (default) toggles_img3 Not editable

65S4_img11 Opens an editing area where a rule to determine the editability condition can be defined by using the wizard (ctrl + space). If a rule is defined, the icon is displayed with a light blue border.




65S4_img11 Opens an editing area where the condition that determines if the field value is correct can be defined. It is possible to define more than one rule. If rules are defined, the icon is displayed with light blue borders.




65S4_img11 Opens an editing area where the expression to be executed to calculate the field value can be defined. If a rule is defined, the icon is displayed with a light blue border.



Indicates whether the value displayed in the field in a task is stored or not in the database. Persistence is defined by default, with the exception of indicating that it does not persist.

toggles_img1 Persists (default) toggles_img3 Does not persist



PRIORI~2_img6 Undo changes

It allows deleting rules or behavior properties modeled from the task. In this way, behavior properties and rules in effect during the task execution revert to those originally defined.


65S4_img6 Displays syntax examples to write rules.


Default Value

It is an area to define the field default value.
funcion_img1 Allows to select functions from a list to incorporate dynamic information into the field.

C00041~1_img1 It allows incorporating information of the objects that participate in the process execution to the field content. For example, in the Refund Request process, the request date can be incorporated, this data is available in the date field of the Refund Request object.

Field Properties Panel with Relation






If the field has a relation, the possible values and the default value of the field in the task are displayed.

Possible Values C00038~1_img5

Clicking on the icon enables a panel to filter data from the list in the task.


MB0011~1_img19Inverts the selected values.


MB0011~1_img20Selects all values.


Exclude Values: It allows excluding checked values from the selection.

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