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Documentation 8.8

The hyperlink properties panel of an element opens when clicking the icon iconohipervinculo of its context menu.






Define the behavior of the element when selecting it. Different properties are enabled depending on the type of object selected.








The pages modeled in the environment are displayed.


Destination Type

The available options for opening the object are displayed.


Possible Values


Same Tab

New Window    

Modal: selecting this option enables additional properties.

      Modal Horizontal Size

        Defines its width.

      Modal Vertical Size

        Defines its height.

Iframe: selecting this option enables an additional property.

      Destination Iframe

        Expands the iframes previously defined on the object.

Top Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the specific element where the hyperlink is being applied as destination.

Parent Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the entire current object as destination.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.



If there are parameters, their value can be specified with text, parameters and variables or data source.

Deyel Page





Deyel Page

The pages belonging to Deyel are displayed.


Destination Type

The available options for opening the object are displayed.


Possible Values


Same Tab

New Window    

Modal: selecting this option enables additional properties.

      Modal Horizontal Size

        Defines its width.

      Modal Vertical Size

        Defines its height.

Iframe: selecting this option enables an additional property.

      Destination Iframe

        Expands the iframes previously defined on the object.

Top Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the specific element where the hyperlink is being applied as destination.

Parent Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the entire current object as destination.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.



Allows sending parameters to the selected object type.




MPA-PropiedadesHipervínculo-Ent actual


Current Entity

If this property is checked, the operation applies directly to the entity being modeled.



Defines the operation made when selecting the object.


Possible Values


New: Indicates that the current entity panel is opened for the creation of an instance.

Modify: Indicates that the current entity panel is opened for the update of an instance.

Delete: Indicates that the current entity panel is opened for the deletion of an instance.






If the property Current Entity, is not checked, the entities modeled in the environment are displayed.



Defines the operation made when selecting the object.


Possible Values


New: The panel of the entity selected in the previous property is opened to create an instance.

Update The panel of the entity selected in the previous property is opened to update an instance.

Show: The panel of the entity selected in the previous property is opened to show an instance.

Grid: Indicates that the grid of the entity selected in the previous property is opened.


Destination Type

The available options for opening the object are displayed.


Possible Values


Same Tab

New Window    

Modal: selecting this option enables additional properties.

      Modal Horizontal Size

        Defines its width.

      Modal Vertical Size

        Defines its height.

Iframe: selecting this option enables an additional property.

      Destination Iframe

        Expands the iframes previously defined on the object.

Top Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the specific element where the hyperlink is being applied as destination.

Parent Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the entire current object as destination.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.







The forms modeled in the environment are displayed.



Defines the operation made when selecting the object.


Possible Values


Create: Indicates that the panel of the object selected in the previous property is opened for the creation of an instance.

Update: Indicates that the panel of the object selected in the previous property is opened for the update of an instance.

Show: Indicates that the panel of the object selected in the previous property is opened for the query of an instance.

Grid: Indicates that the grid of the object selected in the previous property is opened.


Destination Type

The available options for opening the object are displayed.


Possible Values


Same Tab

New Window    

Modal: selecting this option enables additional properties.

      Modal Horizontal Size

        Defines its width.

      Modal Vertical Size

        Defines its height.

Iframe: selecting this option enables an additional property.

      Destination Iframe

        Expands the iframes previously defined on the object.

Top Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the specific element where the hyperlink is being applied as destination.

Parent Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the entire current object as destination.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.



Allows sending parameters to the selected object type.







The processes modeled in the environment are displayed.



Defines the operation made when selecting the object.


Destination Type

The available options for opening the object are displayed.


Possible Values


Same Tab

New Window    

Modal: selecting this option enables additional properties.

      Modal Horizontal Size

        Defines its width.

      Modal Vertical Size

        Defines its height.

Iframe: selecting this option enables an additional property.

      Destination Iframe

        Expands the iframes previously defined on the object.

Top Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the specific element where the hyperlink is being applied as destination.

Parent Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the entire current object as destination.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.



Allows sending parameters to the selected object type.







Allows to enter any link.


Destination Type

The available options for opening the object are displayed.


Possible Values


Same Tab

New Window    

Modal: selecting this option enables additional properties.

      Modal Horizontal Size

        Defines its width.

      Modal Vertical Size

        Defines its height.

Iframe: selecting this option enables an additional property.

      Destination Iframe

        Expands the iframes previously defined on the object.

Top Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the specific element where the hyperlink is being applied as destination.

Parent Iframe: defines the iframe that contains the entire current object as destination.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.






The modeled elements in the object are displayed.



Defines the operation made when selecting the element.


Possible Values








Establishes the transition of the animation. It is only modelable if the "Focus" operation was selected.


Possible Values





Vertical Scroll

It is only modelable if the "Focus" operation was selected.

Possible Values


Start: Moves to the start of the selected element.

Closest: Moves to the closest position to the selected element from the element the event fires.

Center: Moves to the center of the selected element.

End: Moves to the end of the selected element.






The modeled repeaters from the object are displayed.



Defines the operation made when selecting the element.


Possible Values


New: Allows for the creation of an item within the repeater. If this option is selected the additional properties are enabled.

    Creation Order

     It indicates in which position the new item of the container is added.

    Possible Values



Delete: Allows for the deletion of an item within the repeater.





Show case information.



Defines the operation made when selecting the element.


Possible Values


Show Detail

Show Graphic Execution


Destination Type

The available options for opening the object are displayed.


Possible Values


Expanded Panel

Modal: if this option is selected the additional properties are enabled.

Modal Horizontal Size

Define its width.

Modal Vertical Size

Define its height.






It allows associating the event to go back in the browser to the element.

LogIn with IDM





Allows login with IDM.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.






Allows logging the user out.


Show loading

Shows the loading icon and disables the user interaction until the redirection is over.

Close Session with Confirmation



MPA-PropiedadesHipervínculo-CerrarSesioncon Conf


Displays a confirmation modal to logout the user.

Install PWA





Allows to install the application in the browser.

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