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Documentation 8.8

The third tab of the side panel corresponds to the objects wizard. When entering the modeler, it is displayed for all rules except for SOAP rules and form extension rules.


This tab lists the objects to be used in the rule.


Creating a relation using the object wizard allows to:


Work with the model and service classes of the related object from the rule modeler without having to depend on a Java IDE.


Always keep the Java imports statements of related objects up to date in the rule, regardless of whether the object has been modified after having created the relation.


If significant changes are made to the related objects used in the rules, when they are published:


Java imports statements of the rules that use them are updated. Rules remain in the same state they were in, with updated modification date.


Verify that the rule using them is not in a modified state. If modified, it will be requested to be published or unpublished.



Related Objects Grid


The grid columns identify the related object.



Indicates the object type. It can be a form, process or rule.



It is used at the modeling level to refer to the object.



Indicates the object version for processes and rules.


By hovering the mouse over each related object in the grid, the delete operation is enabled.






CM0053~1_img1Opens a panel with the forms, processes and rules that the user can select according to their security permissions. Once selected, it is displayed in the grid of related objects.

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