Send Email
Allows to define email sending. They can include process variables and functions that allow to incorporate links to case shows, to do lists, forms, application access links, among others.
An asterisk "*" on the label indicates that the property is required.
In addition to the properties shared with email sending and execution of rules, message sending actions have specific properties.
In all properties, text can be combined with values obtained through the variables wizard or the function wizard
of Deyel.
Indicates the email address from which the message is sent. If the email server is Google or Microsoft, it is not necessary to complete this property and the account entered in the environment property User or account to establish connection will become the sender.
Indicates the email address to whom the message is sent. More than one address can be informed separated by ";".
Contains the subject of the email that is being sent.
The text that makes up the body of the email is reported. Html tags can be included to format the message.