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Documentation 8.4

Navigation: User Manual > On-Premise Installation

Installation in Docker

Below are the steps to install and update the version of Deyel using the docker-compose file.

Initial Installation


Step 1: Download the docker-compose file.


Ask the Deyel team for the credentials to download the image from AWS ECR.

Install AWS CLI following the installation instructions.

Execute the following statements to login and download the docker image:


- aws configure

 Enter the credentials to access the AWS ECR repository


- aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 955768960522.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com


- docker pull 955768960522.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/deyelonpremise:<>

 If the suffix indicates the version to install, it must be replaced by the corresponding one.

Step 2: Set the directory to save the installation properties file


Create the folder on the server where docker runs to define the volume, for example docker compose uses the ./app-conf folder

Step 3: Set directory to save log files


Create the folder on the server where docker runs to define the volume, for example docker compose uses the ./app-logs folder

Step 4: Execute:


docker-compose up -d

Step 5: Access the Deyel configuration to enter the database credentials in




The first access to the configuration is done without a defined username and password, if it is set, the next accesses to the configuration will be done with a username and password.

Once the properties for the database have been entered and changes applied, the container must be restarted for it to take the changes, or the context within the container can be restarted by running:

  supervisorctl restart tomcat

Log in to Deyel with https://<IP_INSTALLATION:PORT>/ and enter the personal user or use the sample user "afarias" with key "deyel123".

Version Update


In each delivery, the docker image is delivered to carry out the installation and the docker-compose file must be modified, replacing the name of the docker image (image:) using the downloaded version.


Then the update must be carried out by executing:

docker-compose up -d

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