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Documentation 8.4

Navigation: User Manual

On-Premise Installation

The following describes the steps to perform a new installation of Deyel or a version update in On-Premise modality.



Deyel and its solutions are distributed through the following files:





Web application


Docker image and docker-compose file


Initial database

Oracle: deyeldb-Version.dmp

Mysql: deyeldb-Version.sql

Sql Server: deyeldb-Version.bak

DB2: deyeldb-Version.zip






Each version of Deyel has the following VRFB structure where
 V - Version
 R - Release
 F - Fix
 B - Buil

Example: deyel-

Step 1: Create the Initial Database for Deyel


a.Install the database engine on which you want to install Deyel.


b.Create a user with permissions that can create tables, views, functions, store procedures, and triggers. The following variables must be known:


- host: engine ip address.

- port: engine port.

- user: user with the necessary permissions

- password: key of the user with the necessary permissions


c.Restore the initial base of Deyel with the following commands:



impdp user/password@host:port/deyel dumpfile=deyeldb-Version.dmp



mysql -u user -p password -h host --port port --default-character-set=utf8 deyel deyeldb-Versión.sql


Sql Server

SqlCmd -S host -U user -P password -Q "RESTORE DATABASE deyel FROM DISK ='deyeldb-Version.bak' WITH REPLACE"



Unzip deyeldb file-Version.zip

Execute command from the folder where export files are located.

db2move deyeldb import -io replace_create > restore_deyel.log

Step 2: Install Deyel on the Application Server


Installation in Apache Tomcat        


Installation in WAS

Step 3: Configure Database


To configure the database, it is recommended to use the environment variable DEYEL_DB_PROPERTIES_PATH. This variable is used to define the directory where the file with the connection data is located. If the environment variable is not defined, the file is used within the WEB-INF/classes/ConsistEnv_es_AR.properties context.


The environment variable should be created before performing the context implementation.

Instructions for Database Configuration


a.Enter https://server:port/deyel/Config.


Server: is the name of the server where the installation is performed or its IP address and access port.

Example: http://myserver:8080/deyel






It is accessed without username and password until one is defined. It is recommended to define a username and password when first accessing.






b.Complete the data of Database Properties section and apply configuration. If the DEYEL_DB_PROPERTIES_PATH environment variable was defined, in the Configuration File Path property, the directory where the file with the connection data is located is shown. If this property is not reported, this means that the file is in the context.


c.Restart the context.        

Step 4: Import License


a.Enter https://server:port/deyel.

b.Import the use license.






c.Enter Deyel environment with https://server:port/deyel using the example user "afarias" with "deyel123" key.

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