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This toolbar contains icons and submenus from which you can perform operations on the object. Depending on its state, some options may be disabled.


The bar is displayed on the toolbar of Deyel.




C00035~1_img1 Save


This icon allows to save the object in the repository of Deyel, leaving its state as "Draft" or "Modified". If certain conditions are met, the modeler user receives a message indicating that the operation was performed correctly, otherwise they receive an explanatory message.  

Main Conditions


The object application must exist.

The name in the application must be unique.


To the right of the icon, the option to open the submenu is displayed.

C00035~1_img3 Properties


Opens the page properties panel.


To the right of the icon, the option to open the submenu is displayed.

C00035~1_img4 Publish


By means of this icon the object goes to "Published" state, after verifying a set of additional conditions to those of the "Save" operation. The modeling user receives the corresponding message, indicating the result of the operation.



The objects used as data source, both forms and rules, must be published.


To the right of the icon, the option to open the submenu is displayed.

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