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Selecting the advanced search icon CM0035~1_img13 enables, on the results grid, the set of fields for which the different criteria can be selected to filter the form instances. Search criteria can be combined.





For each search criteria a value can be entered or selected from a list to be used as a filter.


All the necessary filters can be added, each time a filter is added a new search is automatically executed that updates the grid.


Filters applied in the search are highlighted where they were entered, followed by an icon icono x. Pressing this icon deletes the corresponding filter and automatically executes a new search that updates the grid.


CM0035~1_img1  Expands the options bar, without updating the results in the grid.

CM0035~1_img4  Hides the options bar, keeping the filters if any.


To delete all search filters, the advanced search icon should be clicked again. This reloads the entire list of instances into the grid.



Numeric Fields

The value entered should be numeric.

Search criteria:

Greater than

Greater equal to

Less than

Less equal to


With Data

No Data


Alphanumeric Fields

Enter a text to search for.

Search criteria:


Equal to

Starts with

Does not start with

No Data

With Data


Date Fields

Searches can be made using different search criteria.



Last 7 days

Current Month

Current Year

Last Month

Last Year

From (Requires selection of a start date)

To (Requires selection of an end date)

Range (Requires the selection of a start date and an end date)

Equal (Requires selection of a date)


DateTime Fields

A calendar opens to select the date and time, it can be filtered using different search criteria.






Value Lists Fields

The list values and the corresponding icons are displayed, if the Icons property has been modeled..

Search criteria:


Not Included

With Data

No Data

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