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Documentation 8.8

The personal data properties section contains information related to the user's individual characteristics, such as their ID, address, phone number, or whether they use social networks.





An asterisk*on the label indicates that the property is required.



The user profile includes the following properties:



Birth Date

Identification Type and ID number

Phone Number / Extension




The user can have multiple addresses, with the following properties for each of them:





Postal Code





Social Networks


The user profile includes information about the identity of the user in the different social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Skype).


In the case of Twitter, when publishing the corresponding adapter “Sign in with Twitter” option is enabled.

If the user has their Twitter session opened in the browser, they can grant permission to Deyel to publish tweets directly on behalf of the user. If not logged in, the user is redirected to the Twitter site to log in first.


When the authorization process is finished, from the user profile the authorized account is displayed, below their image.


Users can unlink their Twitter account in different ways:

From their profile, clicking on the icon iconoX_img1 visualized to the right of the Twitter property.

From Twitter, the authorization for Deyel to publish tweets on behalf of the user is removed.


Additional Information



Allows to load complementary data of the user.

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