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Documentation 8.8

It is possible to do operations on each user, depending on the security permissions that the connected user has defined. When hovering over each of the lines of the grid the icons with available operations are visualized.


The exception is the operation "Create" that can be executed from the context menu in different ways.

Hover the cursor over the icon n-boton_mas and select one of the icon on its right config2_img3 or config2_img2 corresponding to the option "Users" or "Smart Things".

Click on the icon n-boton_mas and select the option "Users" o "Smart Thing" on the vertical panel displayed.



Opens properties panel of the new user or smart thing with all properties as editable. The creation is done by pressing any of the buttons available and the user receives a message indicating that data have been saved.


Deyel can do users authentication against LDAP directory, in this case some of the user properties can be disabled, as such information can be recovered from LDAP directory.



Accept: Confirms the creation of a new user or smart thing.

Accept and Create: Confirms the creation of a user or smart thing and opens a new panel to create another one.


When creating users some considerations are applied to entered properties.


Name - Surname

These properties are not informed for user type "Smart Thing".



There cannot be more than one user with the same email. This property is optional for user type "Smart Thing".



The user code is made up automatically based on the name and surname. It is made up of the first initial of the name followed by a maximum of nine letters of the surname. It can be modified by the security administrator. There cannot be more than one user with the same code.



Takes the same value the property Email does. It can be modified by the security administrator. There cannot be more than one user with the same alias.


Profile Image

The profile image is entered by the users themselves. It is not a property that the security administrator can define when creating the user. Deyel assigns by default an image with the user´s initials.


Labor Data


Organizational Unit.

The organizational unit "My Company" is proposed by default. It can be modified by the security administrator.




State and Expiration


Due Date

It must be greater than or equal to the current date.


User Licenses


In the properties Product and License Type the first product available in the use license is initially proposed. The security administrator can change this proposed value.


The list of applications only includes licensed applications available in the use license.

When creating a new user, Deyel verifies that the amount of enabled users in the use license is not exceeded.




Considering the values entered for the properties Product and License Type, the initial permission is proposed by Deyel.



Type of Use License

Initially Proposed Permission

Deyel - Participant


Deyel - Agile Modeler


Deyel - Deyel Modeler


CRM - Administrator


CRM - Participant


Contracts - Administrator


Contracts - Participant




The security administrator can change the permission initially proposed.


The list of applications only includes licensed applications if they are available in the use license.

The list of license types only shows the ones available in the use license.



When permissions of a licensed application are assigned, it is verified that:


The licensed application is in the list of applications the user can use.

The type of the user license is compatible with the one required by the access permission.


The permission "Account Manager" can only be assigned to a unique user.



Opens the properties panel of the selected user, where properties are not editable. Depending on the security permissions, buttons available to operate with that user are enabled.






Opens properties panel of the selected user, with those properties that can be modified as editable. The update is done by pressing the button “Accept” and the user receives a message indicating that data have been saved.


Deyel can do users authentication against LDAP directory, in this case some of the user properties can be disabled, as such information can be recovered from LDAP directory.



Users can update their profile, modifying properties like their profile image, their delegated users and inform absences, among others. However some properties can only be modified by the security administrator, who has permission to execute the security function "Deyel - Modify users data".


Name - Surname

These properties are not informed for user type "Smart Thing".



There cannot be more than one user with the same email. This property is optional for user type "Smart Thing".



There cannot be more than one user with the same alias.


Profile Image

The profile image is entered by the user themselves. It is not a property that the security administrator can define when modifying the user.


Delegations and Absences



When a user is modified:

Delegations occurred in the past, cannot be modified nor deleted.

Current delegations, that is the ones that have the current date within the period, can be modified but the date must be kept within the period.

Future delegations can be freely deleted or modified.



This list can be administrated by the users themselves or by the administrator user. Each element contains the absence type and its period.

Only the absences occurred during the last year are visualized, however the administrator user can see all of the absences.

When a user is modified:

The absences occurred in the past can be modified or deleted only by the security administrator.

Current absences, that is the ones that have the current date within the period, can be modified but the date must be kept within the period. The security administrator can delete or modify current absences.

Future absences can be freely deleted or modified.




State and Expiration


Due Date.

It must be greater than or equal to the current date.


User Licenses


Elements from the list of licensed applications can be added o deleted when modifying a user.


If an element is created or modified, only licensed applications available in the use license can be selected.

Those elements from the list that make reference to applications not available in the environment are displayed protected, it is possible to delete them from the list but it is not possible to modify them.

Deyel verifies that the amount of enabled users in the use license are no exceeded..





Elements from the list can be added or deleted when modifying the user.


The Application must be selected first and then the Permission for such application.


When permissions of a licensed application are assigned, it is verified that:

If the application is not available in the environment at the moment of the modification, the permission is seen as protected and it is possible to delete it from the permissions list, but not modify it.

If the application is available in the environment at the moment of the modification, it is verified:

The licensed application is one of the products the user can use.

The type of user license is compatible with the one required by the security permission.


The permission "Account Manager" can only be assigned to a unique user.



Opens the properties panel of the selected user or smart thing, where their properties are not editable. The deletion is done by pressing the button “Accept” and the user receives a message indicating that data have been deleted.



When deleting users some verifications are made.


The administrator of an organizational unit cannot be deleted.

A coordinator or actor of a role cannot be deleted.

A user with permission "Account Manager" cannot be deleted.

Responsible or participant users of a process in use cannot be deleted.

A logged in user cannot delete its own profile.

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