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Documentation 8.8

The GET method uses the URL path to determine the collection or resource to get with, optionally, additional parameters that determine the set of results to get for the request.


It uses the HTTP GET verb.

There is no request body, that is, the configuration does not declare a "body" clause.

The displayed resource or resources are contained in the response body.

Each resource contained in the response body contains hypermedia links (HATEOAS), which allows the API consumer to dynamically navigate to related resources.


In all the examples the "Account (CRM_ACCOUNT)" form of the CRM application is used.


Example: Get all "Account" form instances.


GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances/

Optional Parameters


If the request returns a collection of resources, the GET method URL may contain optional parameters that allow customizing the results obtained by that request.


None or several of these parameters may be included in each request, separated by the “&” sign. The general syntax is:


  GET /collection-name?parameter=value[{&parameter=value}]



Through this parameter, the response content can be filtered using RHS notation. This notation is:




One or several filters separated by “,” may be included within this parameter.


The "fieldName" value is that of the Identifier property of the resource on which the request is being made.


The possible values for "operator" are:








Not equal




Starts with


Does not start with


Ends with


Does not end with


Greater than


Greater than equal to


Less than


Less than equal to


Included in


Not included in



Example 1: Search all "Account" form instances that have "JPerez" value in the field corresponding to the seller.


    GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances?search=cdInstanceOwner=eq:JPerez



Example 2: Search all "Account" form instances that have "JPerez" value in the field corresponding to the seller and the value of the field corresponding to the company name that starts with the “Acme” value.


  GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances?search=cdInstanceOwner=eq:JPerez,dsCompany=sw:Acme




This parameter allows sorting the response content according to the needs of the API consumer. The syntax is:




One or several sorting criteria separated by “,” may be included within this parameter.


Prefixes "+" or "-" indicate whether it is an ascending or descending sorting. If omitted, the sorting is assumed to be ascending.


Example 1: Get the"Account" form instances in ascending sorting by the number of employees in the account.


  GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances?sort=qtEmployee


Example 2: Get the "Account" form instances in ascending sorting by the company name and within it, in descending sorting by the number of employees in the account.


    GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances?sort=dsCompany,-qtEmployee




The response to a request is paginated. It means that the API returns a page of the results obtained by the request.


The size of these pages can be determined using this parameter, that is, the maximum amount of resources that the request response contains. The syntax is:




This parameter, like the rest of them, is optional. If omitted, the API takes the following configurable property value Number of lines per page when searching for forms.


Example: Define the page size with value 20.


  GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances?per-page=20




In combination with the per-page parameter, this parameter allows to determine the subset of results corresponding to a request that are included in the response. The syntax is:




As this parameter is also optional, if omitted, the default value is 1.


Example 1: Return page 2 with pages having 10 resources, that is, resources from 11 to 20.


  GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances?page-number=2



Example 2: Return page 2 with pages having 30 resources, that is, resources from 31 to 60.


    GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances?per-page=30&page-number=2



Each resource contained in the response to a given request includes hypermedia links (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) that allow the API consumer to dynamically navigate to resources and methods related to the resource being accessed.


In all cases, the response for each resource includes a list of the type:


rel: HTTP verb to be invoked to access the related resource or method.

label: Description of the related resource or method.

href: URL of the related resource or method.


Example: Make a request to get data from instance 93 of the "Account" form.


GET /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances/93


The response to this request includes, in addition to properties of the requested form, the information to execute the methods of related resources.













"dsOwner""Perez, Juan",







"href": "http://miAmbiente/v1.0/forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances/93"




"label""Partial Edit",













This information dynamically allows:


Editing instance 93 of the form

  PUT /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances/93


Updating instance 93 of the form

PATCH /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances/93


Deleting instance 93 of the form

  DELETE /forms/CRM_ACCOUNT/instances/93

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