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Documentation 8.8

it is possible to define spreading a message so that it is done at the time of publishing the form. The receivers can be users, offices or roles. This step is optional.


During the modeling useful information related to the spreading of the message can be showed, selecting the icon CM0064~1_img2.






Search bar

Users, organizational units and roles can be searched by name, using the search bar with the autocomplete facility. When selecting an organizational unit or a role, the message is sent to one of their members.


Wizard n-iconoASISTENTE

By using a wizard, users, organizational units, and roles can be selected from a hierarchical tree.


Notification Receivers Area

It indicates the users, units or roles that they will be notified at the time of the agile form publication.



It allows to define the text used in the message to spread the agile form publication.


Broadcast Mode

It indicates the way in which the new agile form publication is notified. It can be done by sending an email or through a Tedis text message.

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