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Documentation 8.8

The properties panel of the start event by rule is displayed on the right side of the process modeler.







Text that is displayed in the diagram next to the graphic element of the event.

It is recommended to inform a text in reference to the rule whose execution is expected.



This property is checked to indicate that the event activates, waiting for the rule.



Execution priority assigned to the event. It is reported as an integer, being 0 the top priority.



Text that allows documenting detailed information about the event.



They are the conditions that must be met for the event to be executed. If there are defined conditions, a list of them is displayed.

To add a condition, press the icon 64_s3333_img14 and from the panel that opens, select Property and Operator in the corresponding drop-down lists. Report Value and where applicable, indicate in Parameter the field to be evaluated of the form associated with the process.



They are the actions that are carried out automatically when the event occurs.


Create Case

For all start events, a case is compulsorily created for the process and a version in which the event is executed.


Attach file

Allows to attach a file to the case.




File to attach

File attached to the case.

Depends on the previous execution

Indicates if the action is executed only when the previously defined actions were executed successfully.(*)


Note: The parameters selected with (*) are mandatory.





Attach form

Allows to relate a form to the case.



User Code

If it is not reported, the current user is assigned.

Values map

Report <field1><value1><field2><value2>…,
where fieldN corresponds to form field names and valueN to the values that are assigned to each field.
It has higher priority than DS_XML_CONTENT_PATH


File path that contains the XML.
It is mandatory if DS_VALUE_MAP is not reported  

Annex Type

Annex type attached (*).

Create version if it exists and if it is unique

If when attaching the form, it already exists and is unique, a historical version of it is previously created.

Reset previous form and it is unique

Indicates that if there is a form associated with the case and it is unique, data is deleted from it.

Depends on the previous execution

The action is executed only if the previously defined actions were executed successfully.(*).


Note: The parameters marked with (*) are mandatory.



Select scheduled rule task

The executed business rule is selected. It must be a previously published advanced rule.

Example of Use


The "Attention to Tax Notifications" process starts automatically when the business rule associated with the rule start event detects a notification in the government portal, following the WS specifications published in it.

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