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Documentation 8.8

Integration with this adapter is available in installations with On-Premise licensing.


Having an Amazon account, the AWS S3 service can be used. This service allows to store the files in the repository and download them directly from the form that uses them.



In addition to the properties shared by adapters, such as Name and Description, there are also properties specific to the file repository of Deyel on Amazon S3.






An asterisk "*" on the label indicates that the property is required.


Access Key

Identification key given in the user security section of the Amazon account.


Secret Access Key

Secret key associated to the Access Key property, given in the user security section of the Amazon account. They are used together when requesting access to the resources provided by the platform.



AWS Region where the bucket is located.



Bucket URL based on its S3 structure in AWS.



Name of the folder within the bucket.


Public Bucket

Public bucket URL based on its S3 structure in AWS.

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