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Documentation 8.4

In the event that a refresh token or access token is denied by an HTTP 401 code, the access token request endpoint must be invoked with the following configuration:


POST verb.

Add parameters using the format:


The "client_id" access credential must be sent in “Basic xxxxxx” format where the xxxxxx represent Base64 encoded values.

Specify the "grant_type" parameter with "refresh_token" value.

Specify the "refresh_token" parameter with the value of the refresh token obtained when authenticating with Deyel.

Usage Example in Postman


Authorization specification with user code.






Specification of "grant_type", parameter sending format and refresh token value.





As a response, a new access token and the same refresh_token value are obtained.


Example of successful access token request:








      "expires_in": 86400





Example of failed access token request:




    "errors": [






            "message""Invalid refresh token.",





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