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Documentation 8.4

This submenu is opened by pressing the icon immediately to the right of the icon corresponding to "Object Inspector".




C00035~1_img7 Undo


Returns the last modification made to the diagram. The same behavior is obtained with the keyboard combination ctrl + z.

C00035~1_img18 Redo


Redoes the action on the diagram that was eliminated with the "Undo" option. The same behavior is obtained with the keyboard combination ctrl + z.

C00035~1_img15 Link


Allows to select the graphic elements that are linked by pressing the right mouse button on a point in the diagram and dragging to another end without releasing. Linked figures are temporarily marked with a border and can be moved using the cursor or deleted altogether.

C00035~1_img6 Increase Zoom


Increases the display size of the diagram.

C00035~1_img8 Decrease Zoom


Decreases the display size of the diagram.

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