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Documentation 8.3

From the top bar different options related to the content and presentation of the organization chart can be selected.


V0031-~1_img1 Zoom Out


Decreases the display size of the diagram.


V0031-~1_img2 Zoom In


Increases the display zoom of the diagram.


V0031-~1_img3Return to Initial State


The selected view is returned to the initial display, the search is cleared and the expanded units are closed.


V0031-~1_img5 View


A panel to select the view is displayed.





V0031-~1_img6 Fast Search


When entering a text in the bar and pressing the icon V0031-~1_img7 or “enter” key, all the organizational units that contain in the Descriptive Name the entered text, are displayed in the list.


The chosen unit is highlighted with a blue border and with its dependent units expanded.



V0031-~1_img4 Change to Grid Mode


Allows to change the display to grid mode.

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