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C00083~1_img1   Phase 3: Portal > Menus


The menu can be displayed from the top left corner and is represented by the icon Menu_icono , when selecting it, the options that the user has enabled are displayed.






The theme used by the user portal can be defined in the environment configuration.

Principal Characteristics



Allows you to search among all the options available in the menu, forms and functionalities enabled for the user. When entering a search criteria, such as a word or part of it, a filter is applied with the search pattern used. Once the search results have been obtained, the desired option can be selected. The search criteria can be deleted by pressing the "X" that is to the left of it and it returns to the complete menu.



The menu includes options for those solutions that the user has access to.

BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) and Analysis


This menu option allows access to the set of reports of BAM and Analysis to analyze the functioning of the processes and their tasks.

In real time (BAM)

Historical (Analysis)        



Under this menu option you can select the configuration of users permissions, organizational units and of the environment, among other functionalities.

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