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Documentation 8.8


The information contained in the current use license can be shown from the functionality “About“ on the top toolbar of the users portal.

About Deyel


When opening this panel the information about the use license can be seen.






When the user has access permission “Administrator”, they can import a new use license. Date and time when the user imported the current license are informed under the button "Import". When pressing this button, a window which allows to upgrade the use license of the environment is displayed.






The XML file that contains the use license must be selected before pressing the button “Accept”.


Deyel verifies the digital signature of the XML file to ensure its integrity and verifies that the new license has been generated in the environment and that it has the correct validity.


After importing the use license, a button that allows to restore the previous license is temporarily enabled. This option allows to restore situations where the use license was improperly imported.

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