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Documentation 8.8

From the top bar, different options related to the content and presentation of the results and search grid for form instances can be selected.


CM0035~1_img10  Number of Instances


Indicates the number of form instances, either total or that resulting from the application of a search filter.


CM0035~1_img9  Grid Version


Allows switching to the previous version of the grid or return to the new one.



iconoReload Update Grid


Allows reloading the updated grid, keeping the selected filters.



CM0035~1_img6 Quick Search


It allows to filter instances by the modeled fields for quick search and that contain the entered value. The quick search option only appears if it was modeled in the form.


Clicking the icon infoBusqueda displays the form fields on which this type of search may be carried out.






CM0035~1_img13 Advanced Search


The advanced search enables on the results grid, the set of fields for which search filters can be selected, if they were modeled.



BusquedaFavorita Favorite Searches


It allows to save the filters selected by the user and to administer them.


Clicking on the icon expands a panel with the list of saved filters and new filters can be added. Every time a search is selected, it is executed and the grid is updated.


It allows to check one of the searches as favorite, which is indicated by the icon filtroFavorito and can be deleted by pressing this icon.


filtroFavorito Indicates that the search was selected as favorite by the user.


Pressing the icon filtroGuardado to the left of a search, allows the user to indicate that as their favorite.




icon-9879853498ggs87bt-435x Data Download


Allows downloading the instances that are displayed in the results grid, either in total or those that result from applying a filter. The download can be made into an Excel or XML file, the latter is compressed with a .ZIP extension.



It is recommended to download more than 10000 instances, use the filters so as to do it in blocks.


The size of the generated data file must not exceed the value specified in the Maximum file size to process in the environment property.



CM0035~1_img19 Columns Display


It displays a panel with the names of the grid columns. By means of a check mark, the user can activate or deactivate the display of each column. The set of selected columns is valid until the same user modifies it again.



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